Nereus London Haircare Review
*Updated June 2022!* Have you tried everything to reduce your waste when it comes to hair care? Shampoo bars that are sticky, conditioner...
Welcome to I'm Trying to Eco Adult, where I will document my journey through my 30's, motherhood, marriage and trying to save the planet!
I sometimes mention products that I have been asked to review or promote. I will never positively review a product if I had a negative experience with it. If I state I have a "Brand Rep" code this means I work with this business mentioned; I promote the products that I have purchased from them with a discount code provided to me for doing do. If I have an "affiliate" or "ambassador" code, this will mean that I will earn a commission from that company if you use that code. Again, I will NEVER promote or recommend a product that I did not personally have a good experience with.